EASA 2020 Structure now available!

EASA 2020 Structure now available!

Choose the learning objectives you need - EASA 2016 or EASA 2020

Aviation Exam
Aviation Exam

Dear students,

we are proud to announce the release of the “EASA 2020” preparation database! This version follows the Learning Objectives issued by EASA in


Where do I find it?

This feature is available at our website and in the latest versions of our applications (8.6.0+), please make sure you have it. To choose this new preparation database, see your new test settings and change from EASA 2016 to EASA 2020.

What are the differences between EASA 2016 and EASA 2020?

The two versions have different structures of learning objectives. Some objectives were added or moved, while others were taken out. Moreover, the exam settings of each subject are different - there is a different ratio of questions from individual areas, in some cases the time limit changed as well. To be well prepared for your real exam, it is recommended to select the version your authority uses. If you want to learn about the learning objectives in detail, please visit the EASA website.

Which one is for me?

Each authority transfers to the new syllabus at different time. Ask your instructors which syllabus is the right one for you.

Do I need to buy something extra?

The subscription to our EASA preparation database contains both versions, you do not have to buy anything extra. In case you were given access by your flight school and you cannot access the EASA 2020 structure (5% available), please contact your school.

What happens if I switch from EASA 2016 to EASA 2020?

The EASA 2020 is like a new database, so you will not have any progress in it, same as no incorrectly answered or seen questions, or reports of official exam appearance. Nevertheless, the two versions share some data, so your notes, flags or comments can be found in both. Note - the Exhaustive database level is not available in the EASA 2020 prep database, since the Exhaustive level is intended for questions from older versions.


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