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Pilot exam with ease

with our solutions for students

Pilot exam with ease


Complete study materials
Up-to-date question database
3 database sizes
Analytics to help you improve
Offline apps for major platforms
One purchase, all devices

How it works

Choose your license

Choose your license

Prepare yourself for ATPL, CPL, IR, CBIR, EIR and FOC, airplane or helicopter, with Aviationexam. All our EASA test prep questions have an explanation to help you understand the topic. Up-to-datedness and precision is our priority and so all Aviationexam databases are constantly maintained to provide a reliable representation of what you might see on your exam.

Acquire knowledge

Acquire knowledge

Study everything you need for ATPL (A) from the Aviationexam eTextbooks available in all Aviation Exam applications. The titles and their topics cover all EASA learning objectives and respect the structure of the syllabus. What is more, our EASA prep questions are linked to the eTextbooks - when the question’s explanation is not enough, transfer to the eTextbook with just a tap.

Test yourself

Test yourself

Take advantage of the options available in study test setting to have the test just as you want it - focus on your difficult questions, repeat the questions you flagged, filter only the questions with a figure, include questions marked by others as seen on the official exam, and so much more!

Note your weaknesses

Note your weaknesses

By default, the system will help you go through all available questions and correct any mistakes you made. Find out where your weaknesses are and how much you have already covered in the progress section.

Approaching official exam

When your exam is nearing, test yourself on some mock exams that follow the official EASA regulation. Enjoy the three sizes of the EASA prep database and switch between them anytime. Increase to Exhaustive level to cover all possible questions, or change to Essential level to repeat the questions appearing most frequently when your exam is close.

Discuss with others

Discuss with others

Join the Aviationexam community and engage other students in discussion. Each question has a comments tab where you can ask fellow students for help with that particular question, or you can offer your advice to others. After your official exam, let others know which questions you had on your exams through the official exam appearance feature.

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