EASA prep Question Bank in German


EASA prep Question Bank

Up-to-date EASA exam preparation question bank

Official question bank by EASA

The official ECQB (European Central Question Bank) is maintained by EASA, who also releases updates from time to time. Therefore, there are several versions of the question bank in use by individual Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs), as each authority implements these updates at different times.

The official question bank is not public

Aviationexam database for EASA exam preparation

Our database is designed to follow the official EASA learning objectives and reflect the ECQB as closely and precisely as possible. We update our database regularly to reflect any updates of the Official Database. Accuracy is a priority and our question bank is maintained constantly to ensure there are current questions only - new questions are added, the outdated are archived.

Constantly maintained to be an up-to-date study tool

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