Postponed exams?

Postponed exams?

We have a bonus for you

Aviation Exam
Aviation Exam

Dear students,

with the recent developments around the world, we extend active subscriptions to EASA prep database as a bonus to let you continue preparing for exams, as we know some authorities had to close and postpone the exams. Please read carefully.

The subscription will be extended to students who:

  • have active, running (or expiring) subscription between 17–31 March 2020, and
  • purchased the product (activation code) All Subjects of EASA Syllabus (English or German) in the lengths 3, 6 or 12 months.

The bonus is proportional and is as follows:

  • 12 month variant All Subjects of EASA Syllabus => 2 months extra
  • 6 month variant All Subjects of EASA Syllabus => 1 month extra
  • 3 month variant All Subjects of EASA Syllabus => 14 days extra

Students, who have a running subscriptions to date (18 March 2020) will be given the extension 18 March 2020. To see this extension on your devices too, please make sure you synchronise them.

Students, who activate their subscription between 19-31 March 2020 will receive the extension 1st April 2020.

You can find this subscription in our eshop:

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