Summer cleaning

Summer cleaning

Database level update

Aviation Exam
Aviation Exam

Your success is our priority.

We endeavour to provide the best possible representation of the real database to help you with your exams. Therefore, today’s update concerns the database levels (Essential - Standard - Exhaustive).

We have finished a major database maintenance which re-sorted the questions with respect to their up-to-dateness and occurrence. This is also thanks to you, students, who send us your feedback from exams and we thank you for your help and support - please keep it coming!

The Standard level contains questions that reflect the current official question bank in the best possible way and only the most frequent questions remained in the Essential Level. Moreover, some questions were moved to the Exhaustive level. As a consequence, the number of questions available in the respective levels changed.

The Exhaustive level will also gradually decrease in the number of questions, as the obsolete ones will be removed and deactivated.

To learn more about the levels, please see this video:

The number of questions available in the Standard level can be found here:


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